Thank You! We’ve Moved On!

Thank you so much for your support over these years, after some time, I decided to retire “The Makeup Session” brand and have taken an indefinite hiatus as a “Beauty Blogger”. I’m still doing makeup and hair in the real world though! (And you never know, I might be making a “comeback” in the future!) … Continue reading

Halloween Specials!

Summer was a busy blast of work and play, and after a long absence I’m glad to be back! Now it’s Fall and Halloween is just around the corner! I just posted our current specials, so be sure to book us to help create your look for your upcoming Halloween outing! In the mean time, check … Continue reading

We’re Official!

From now on we are! Just letting you all know. 🙂 I am so excited for what I have planned for the next year, especially the expansion of my makeup company. There is so much I am looking forward to, so stay tuned! ❤

Coming Soon…

Fall 2011…